Webinar Recording: Partnerships for Startups

Profits and Perils of Partnerships for Startups

I recently gave a presentation to a group of entrepreneurs, students, and faculty at Texas State University called “Profits and Perils of Partnerships for Start-ups“.

Partnerships can be one of the most effective strategies to accelerate growth and profits but they are hard to do well.

Learning Objectives

  • The benefits of partnerships
  • Types of partnerships to consider
  • Challenges in making them successful
  • How to approach partnerships


Other Interesting Links.

Adam Turinas

Adam Turinas is a long-time technology marketing leader and entrepreneur. He is the co-author of the Total Customer Growth book and founder of Total Customer Growth LLC. Adam spent two decades marketing for Dell, IBM, Bank of America, and dozens of other major marketers. In 2012 he founded, grew, and eventually sold a healthcare technology software business and then created healthlaunchpad, a leading healthtech marketing firm that teaches clients how to use ABM.
