measuring results in abm

Measuring ABM Results – B2B Healthcare Case Study

In our other video post, Ben Person, the CMO at Nuvolo, explained the various stages of ABM & Social Media campaigns. In the video below, he talks to Adam Turinas, the CEO & Founder of healthlaunchpad about the gains they have derived from ABM, some of the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and how they approach measuring results.

We hope that the tips and lessons from this video will enlighten you and prepare you on your ABM journey.

ABM KPIs – Measuring Results – Video Highlights

The below case study video explains Nuvolo’s ABM experience in the following:

  1. ABM  Measurement – ABM KPIs
  2. Targeting Current Pipeline With ABM
  3. Using ABM to keep Brand In front of Buyers
  4. Impact of ABM On New Pipeline
  5. Multiple ABM Targeting – Increased Revenue

 #1. ABM Measurement – ABM KPIs

Ben begins by recognizing that ABM is hard, but confirms that they have been able to successfully measure Return On Investment(ROI).

He explains some of the ABM KPI measurements they have registered in the last quarter.

Some of the performance indicators their organization has recorded include Page Views & Pipeline KPIs.


  • 6,000 page views that were influenced through ABM in the last quarter
  • 17 million net new pipelines were influenced by ABM  in the last quarter
  • 47 million of the existing pipelines were influenced by ABM

 #2. Targeting  Pipeline for Opportunities & Leads

Running ABM to target the current pipeline helps in finding opportunities as well as leads, and these measurable results. This also influences opportunities through the buyer’s journey.

ABM has become increasingly important throughout all pipeline stages.

#3. Keeping The Brand In front of Buyers 

Keeping ABM running for all current opportunities through the buyer journey ensures that the brand remains in front of the buyer throughout the entire purchase journey.

For instance, when there is a Request for a Proposal (RFP), there is usually very limited interaction with target buyers during the process.

However, with ABM, your brand, brand message, and valuable brand information are kept in front of potential customers through the entire RFP process.

And it allows you d to keep your brand and value proposition in front of potential buyers at a critical time.  

#4. ABM Measurement – Increased Value of Opportunities

Ben dives into how they measure ABM to find out how it is potentially increasing the value of opportunities.

Ben explains that when they apply ABM to the net new pipeline, it increased the average size of that opportunity by almost 50%.

Their Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) also increased by 49%

 #5. Multiple  ABM Targeting – Increased Revenue

Ben further explains that the reason their revenues had grown through the use of ABM KPIs. This is because they do not just sell into one department within a hospital or an organization.

Instead, they sell into multiple departments within an organization.

And so the more departments or organizations can see your brand or solutions through ABM, the higher the chances of increasing your revenue opportunities

ABM Benefits & Measuring Results Video

If you want help with your account-based marketing strategy for healthcare, contact us.


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Adam Turinas

Adam Turinas is a long-time technology marketing leader and entrepreneur. He is the co-author of the Total Customer Growth book and founder of Total Customer Growth LLC. Adam spent two decades marketing for Dell, IBM, Bank of America, and dozens of other major marketers. In 2012 he founded, grew, and eventually sold a healthcare technology software business and then created healthlaunchpad, a leading healthtech marketing firm that teaches clients how to use ABM.
