Category Archives for Complex Sales

Healthcare Technology Buyer Insights for 2023

Last month I moderated a HIMSS webinar panel of four senior healthcare technology executives to get their perspectives on 2023 and to provide advice to healthcare technology vendors and services firms. They did not disappoint.

You can view the webinar …

The Seven Personas of Sales Champions

In complex sales, 3 will help you, but 4 out of 7 personas of sales champions will break you.

And so, in complex sales, we are dependent on identifying a sales champion, someone who will help us navigate the decision-making …

Buyer Dysfunction in Complex Sales

What is Buyer Dysfunction

In this post, we review Buyer Dysfunction, what it is, why it happens, how it screws up your sales process and what you can do about it.


I’m a complex sales guy.

Okay, that doesn’t
