campaign examples

Three ABM Campaign Examples

In this post, we look at three real-life ABM campaign examples. These are all campaigns that B2B firms have successfully implemented in the last two years. The names of the firms have been kept anonymous.

Competitive Switching Program

In this example, a firm wanted to target competitors’ customers to entice them to switch. Here are the steps in this type of program.

  1. Identification of Competitors’ Accounts: Through in-depth research, The sales and marketing team identified 250 target accounts that used their #1 competitor’s solution.
  2. Setting Up The Campaign: They then exported the 250 target accounts out of Salesforce and into Terminus.  They used Terimus to set up a campaign targeting those 250 named accounts. This included using Terminus’ display network to look for prospects from these competitor accounts. They selected intent topics that would identify when an account might be looking at alternative solutions.
  3. Personalized Messaging: They designed a series of ads and a landing page focused on how competitors switched to their company. The landing page included a copy on why companies were switching, the benefits of their solution, a side-by-side comparison of the two solutions, and customer testimonials and calls to action.
  4. SDR Follow-up: As the sales and marketing observed target accounts engaging with the ads and the switching landing page, the SDR team made a concerted outreach effort to book meetings.

Segment-based Campaign

In this example, the same firm wanted to segment prospects based on different needs that the firm’s various solutions could meet. For example, one segment might be interested in facilities management solutions, another in cybersecurity, another in device management, etc.

  1. Create Intent Topic Clusters: The first step was to create clusters of intent topics in their Terminus ABM platform for each segment. This used Bombora’s intent data. Each cluster reflected the different needs of each segment.
  2. Create Segment-specific Marketing Campaigns: For each segment, they created digital ads and a landing page specifically designed for the need in question. They set these up as different segment-specific campaigns in their Terminus ABM platform.
  3. Drop Prospects Into The Right Sequences: SDRs tracked buyer behavior to see when an account was showing intent for a specific need segment. When they saw that one of their target accounts was showing intent, they dropped them into the relevant campaign. As a result, relevant contacts from those accounts were exposed to digital ads specific to their need. The targeting was adjusted so only people with specified titles saw the ads.  In addition, they initiated a personalized email sequence to target contacts at these accounts using Salesloft.

1:1 ABM Campaign

In a 1:1 campaign, you are dedicating significant resources and energy to a small number of large accounts. You are placing big bets on a small number of targets. The critical thing is to know as much as you can about each account. Here is an example of the steps in a 1:1 campaign.

  1. Identifying & Selecting Key Accounts:  At another firm, sales and marketing would start each quarter, determining which accounts to target with a  1:1 campaign. Typically they selected 5 to 10 target accounts per quarter. Before starting the campaign, the marketing team analyzed each account to determine how to best tailor the program to their needs. This involved monitoring and analyzing the engagement of each particular account on their website and analyzing intent data. They looked at what relevant topics are searched for by these top accounts. They also look at their own HubSpot data to determine how each of their selected accounts engages with them.
  2. Account-branded Pages: Based on their analysis, they created an account-branded landing page for their one-to-one marketing campaign for each of their target accounts. This included featuring their logo and including a personal welcome message. More importantly, the marketing team custom-curated content for each account based on the interest that each account has shown intent for. This included relevant blog posts, case studies, guides, and highlighting the most relevant product offerings. They even tested using a video of your CEO come welcoming them personally. his created a single place where anyone can read about the value and what you can offer that specific organization. 
  3. Individual Prospecting for one-to-one marketing: Then the AEs prospected with the account-branded pages to engage individual targets within each account, tracking usage. Often champions at an engaged account would want to own the page and share it across the organization and up the chain to their executive or C-suite.

By the way, if you like this post, we also created a post a while back with 25 different use cases. You can read it here

At healthlaunchpad, we specialize in helping companies get moving with ABM. We have developed an approach called ABM Acceleration. You can learn more here.

Photo by Tony Hand on Unsplash

Originally posted on

Adam Turinas

Adam Turinas is a long-time technology marketing leader and entrepreneur. He is the co-author of the Total Customer Growth book and founder of Total Customer Growth LLC. Adam spent two decades marketing for Dell, IBM, Bank of America, and dozens of other major marketers. In 2012 he founded, grew, and eventually sold a healthcare technology software business and then created healthlaunchpad, a leading healthtech marketing firm that teaches clients how to use ABM.
